If there were a bad part about lusting after small-scale production German Watches, it would be the limited access to seeing them in the flesh before buying. For some people, that’s okay, but for others, buying sight unseen is a non-starter. One of the biggest online distributors of German watch brands is a company known as WatchBuys. For the uninitiated, WatchBuys boasts brands like Sinn, Nomos, Junghans, and D. Dornblüth & Son. In an effort to help get their clients some hands-on time, WatchBuys is often on the road, hosting events in cities all over the country. As a huge fan of a number of their brands, I had to check out their latest event in Boston.
After securing a Friday time slot in their weekend long show, I headed over after work not knowing quite what to expect. I was sent a phone number to call upon arriving in the lobby to ensure I made it to the right meeting point. Well, once I saw a gentleman wearing a Sinn labeled shirt, I confidently stuffed the number back into my pocket. Turns out that man was Tim, one half of the WatchBuys team with his business partner, Rob. Some other fellow watch geeks gathered, and after a few more minutes, we were being escorted up to the rented suite for an evening of hardcore German watch porn.
Since there was only about seven of us, it was a rather intimate event. The initial awkwardness that comes with any group of strangers was soon gone, and our nerdiness took over. There was obviously a lot of picture taking, but that turned into story and watch swapping for almost the whole two-hour time slot. Tim and Rob were absolutely great, and very accommodating with regard to getting good photo opportunities with the pieces.
Overall, it was a fantastic event, and I recommend any WIS hit up an event if it’s within reach. Keep an eye on their upcoming shows and sign up for notifications for specific event locations. Okay, enough talk, enjoy some of my favorite pieces in the pictures below.